Finnish Upper Secondary School in a Nutshell
- starts after 9 years of compulsory basic education
- takes three years on average
- the same study group may have students who vary in age from 16 to 19
- the academic year starts in mid- August and ends in late May or early June (190 school days)
- the academic year is divided into 5 periods of six weeks each
- one lesson lasts 75 minutes
- you study 4-7 subjects per period
- you have about 20-22 lessons in each subject per period
- the exam week follows at the end of the period. At that time students attend only revision classes and take exams
- in order to graduate from upper secondary school, students must take 75 courses, obtain a school leaving certificate and pass the matriculation examination
- compulsory courses
- specialisation courses (national and local)
- applied courss (e.g. choir, active participation in the student body, student exchange, etc.)
- students must take 47-51 compulsory courses and minimum 10 specialisation courses. The rest they can freely choose from the courses that are offered each year
- If a student doesn’t pass the course exam, he can take part in a make-up examination, which is arranged after each period.
The Matriculation Examination
- takes place in autumn and spring
- you must pass minimum four subjects
- the mother tongue (Finnish in our school) is compulsory
- one exam must be a so called A-level exam (in most cases, advanced English or advanced mathematics)
- the subjects of your choice are math, Swedish, English, French, German, Russian, Spanish, biology, ethics, physics, geography, history, philosophy, chemistry,psychology, health science, religion and social sciences.
- all the exams are written and foreign language exams include a listening comprehension test
- one written exam takes maximum 6 hours
- A student can take the exam in parts ( some subjects in autumn, the rest in spring. E.g history and mathematics in autumn and mother tongue and English in spring)
- you can take max. six exams per autumn/spring
- the exam can be retaken if you want to improve your result
- as a sign of passing the matriculation examination , the student receives a certificate and a white cap